Why Perfection Is A Toxic Goal For All Women

“How liberating is it to pursue wholeness, rather than perfection?”

Debra Arlyn Rose
3 min readAug 23, 2021
Photo by Eyitayo Adekoya on Unsplash

When we strive to be perfect we are not only conceding that there is something inherently “wrong” with us — but we are also surrendering to function like a robot.

To perform.
To please.
To tow the line and not make waves.

What lies underneath the drive of perfectionism? It is the need to be validated from an external source for “being good.” The need to be perceived as “right”.

When we release our minds from the bonds of seeing things as simply…

  • good vs evil
  • right vs wrong
  • worthy vs unworthy
  • enough vs lacking

…then we release ourselves from the paradigm of having to EARN APPROVAL AND LOVE.

Really…we strive to be perfect because we so desperately FEAR…

  • Rejection
  • Inadequacy
  • Punishment
  • Gaslighting

Fear is really what drives perfectionism. Not love!

Since everything is energy — we do ourselves and those around us a great disservice by allowing the energy of fear to motivate us.

Love is the highest energy and vibration that exists. It is what allows us to transcend.

Real love is not conditional.

Real love is CONSCIOUS.

It has a much higher vibration and higher awareness to it.

It does not demand perfection.

It does not demand we perform and play the roles of what we “should” do.

Rather, it wants what is best for ourselves and others.

It values the journey we are on…not the end result.

It values our intention, creativity, potential and authenticity!

Real love invites us to take the transparent journey towards WHOLENESS…

Feeling complete, competent and valued…just as we are.

Right here.
Right now.

Messiness and all.
Mistakes and all.

WHOLENESS is really the state of embracing true free will.

Read that again…

When we are more whole…we are able to consciously respond to people and life…rather than reacting.

When we are more whole…we are using our free will to consciously choose the tools from our toolbox — in order to engage with whatever the present moment is bringing to us.

If we are stuck in wanting to be perfect…then all we can do is react from a very narrow lane of perception.

But when we embrace the journey towards wholeness, endless possibilities arise.

Curiosity takes over.

Compassion and self awareness grow abundantly — for ourselves and for others.

There is no dignity in trying to be perfect. And there is no hope on the path of desiring perfection.

It will always remain elusive — because we inherently know as humans — we will never be “perfect”.

And what a gift that is to know and embrace.

Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash



Debra Arlyn Rose
Debra Arlyn Rose

Written by Debra Arlyn Rose

Spiritual Self Worth Coach & Award Winning Songstress who empowers heart centered women to trust their intuition and live their Soul purpose.

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