Mind, Heart & Gut: Find Inner Peace By Working With Your Three Intelligence Centers

Heart centered women can break patterns and level up by tuning into their Mind and Gut instincts.

Debra Arlyn Rose
5 min readAug 11, 2021

We often hear that we need to trust what our heart is telling us. To “let go” and let our heart lead the way…

Unfortunately — this can be very misleading advice.

Our heart is but one of THREE intelligence centers we have access to as humans. All together we have our…

  1. Mind
  2. Heart
  3. Gut (Instinct)

Many women (including myself) learned early that being “loving”, “sweet” and “giving”- kept us safe and helped us nurture friendships and relationships. We were able to engage with others in a dynamic that worked for us and made us feel good.

It also helped us create a role within our family system of origin. Most often we became The Peacemakers. The child that was willing to soothe, conform, keep the peace and not rock the boat.

It’s important to note that this is not a “bad” thing — it actually shows our innate intelligence and how adaptable we are — even at the youngest age!

We realized that we could tap into our Heart center and create a way of being that felt good, natural, and was pleasing to others. A win-win so to speak!

However, just like a bodybuilder who only strengthens his upper body and completely neglects his lower body, us Heart Centered women spent our time & energy building up that heart muscle — and neglecting our Mind/Gut muscles.

The side effects of this IMBALANCE are:

✔ Codependency

✔ Enmeshment

✔ Enabling

✔ Confusing love with pity

✔ Lack of boundaries

✔ Hero worship

✔ Performing for validation

✔ No self trust

All of the above can be summed up as: 📢 SELF BETRAYAL and SELF NEGLECT.

Although it doesn’t start out that way — we realize as we age and grow, that simply being Heart centered and being a Peacemaker or a Giver — is not getting us the desired results we want anymore.

We don’t feel as safe.

We don’t feel seen.

We don’t feel loved or valued.

Instead we start to experience:

💔 Resentment

💔 Shame

💔 Low energy levels

💔 Heartbreak

💔 Lopsided friendships

💔 Loneliness

💔 Confusion

💔 Low self worth

💔 Chronic Pain and illness

Photo by Giulia Bertelli on Unsplash

The best path forward for ultra heart centered women — is to recreate connection and TRUST with their Mind and Gut — and restore balance and harmony within. To be able to tap into all three intelligence centers at any given time — and then freely choose what they act upon and what they choose to believe and embody.

This is FREEDOM!

Picture each intelligence center as having its own volume dial — but the Mind/Gut dial are set at only 2 — and the Heart dial is drowning everything out at 10!

This is why women stay in relationships that actually aren’t healthy. Their heart wants to stay, fix and help the other, even at the cost of their own sanity and wellbeing.

This is why women adopt mothering styles with little to no discipline or boundaries on their children. Because their heart just wants to love and soothe.

This is why women run themselves ragged showing up at every social event, friend gathering, or work related event — their heart wants to be valued for “being there” and being dependable and loving.

Can you see a pattern here?

Our Heart has beautiful intentions — and it’s really good at giving love and light. But when we let it take over and drive the ship — it can crash us into the cliffs without warning.

Here is a scenario to consider:

A woman goes on a first date with a man. Twenty minutes into their conversation, if she were to check in with all 3 intelligence centers, she may hear from within herself:

Mind:I’m not sure if I like the restaurant he chose. This isn’t where I would have picked to go — but that’s okay. I’ll choose next time.”

Heart: “He reminds me of my ex, but he has so much more potential! With my help and love, I can make this work and this could be really great.

Gut: “I’m not feeling a strong attraction to him…yet. I’m not sure why, but I need more time to feel this out.”

A well balanced woman is able to receive all three messages, hold space for all the truths, and then consciously choose how to proceed. A woman whose heart center is on overdrive, will only heed the information her heart is providing her.

The best techniques I have discovered to help women turn down the heart dial and restore and achieve Inner Balance, are:

🌤 Energy and Chakra clearing

🌤 Guided meditations

🌤 The Enneagram

🌤 Shadow work

🌤 Inner child healing

🌤 Reframing limiting beliefs

🌤 Connecting with suppressed emotions

🌤 Dream Interpretation

Debra Arlyn Rose is a Spiritual Self Worth Coach, Award Winning Songstress, Psychic Empath and “Soul Shaman” who specializes in working with women. www.debraarlynrose.com.

👉 WHY should women want to do this work?

If we want to break cycles and end negative patterns and experience in our life, then we HAVE to be open to new ways of being.

We MUST choose to strengthen our other muscles.

We MUST slow down, tune in and LISTEN to what our Minds and Gut have to say.

This process takes time and it requires some deep self reflection — but it is the only path forward for helping women achieve Inner Balance and Inner Peace.



Debra Arlyn Rose
Debra Arlyn Rose

Written by Debra Arlyn Rose

Spiritual Self Worth Coach & Award Winning Songstress who empowers heart centered women to trust their intuition and live their Soul purpose.

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